FranklinIs Connected



FRANKLIN, Tenn. – The Battle of Franklin Trust recently announced the reprinting of “The Battle of Franklin: A Monograph. Written by U. S. General Jacob D. Cox, the book was the first full-length study of the battle.

Originally published in 1897, the book is being re-released to commemorate the 155th anniversary of the Battle of Franklin. The Battle of Franklin Trust team designed a new cover and dust jacket but kept the layout of the book nearly identical to its first printing.

“The Battle of Franklin Trust is proud to announce the reprinting of the first bona fide study of the Battle of Franklin, written by Jacob Cox, who was headquartered at the Carter House on November 30, 1864,” said Eric A. Jacobson, CEO of the Battle of Franklin Trust. “The Battle of Franklin Trust has taken on something that we have never done before and we are excited to commemorate the battle with this piece of history.”

Cox commanded the main Federal line of defense at Franklin and was stationed at the Carter House. Cox corresponded with participants in the battle for years as he researched and wrote his book. “The Battle of Franklin: A Monograph was the only full-length study of the battle until 1983. The book was a standard for almost 80 years and Cox’s firsthand knowledge makes the text one of a kind.

In addition to the reprinting of “The Battle of Franklin: A Monograph, the Battle of Franklin Trust will be offering specialized battlefield tours and hosting other events to commemorate the 155th anniversary of the Battle of Franklin.

The new edition of “The Battle of Franklin: A Monograph is now available for $24.99 at both Carter House and Carnton and is available for purchase online at For more information about the 155th anniversary and the Battle of Franklin Trust, please visit 

About The Battle of Franklin Trust
The Battle of Franklin Trust is a 501(c)3 management corporation acting on behalf of Franklin’s battlefield sites to contribute to a greater understanding and enrich the visitor experience of the November 30, 1864 battle. It is organized for the charitable and educational purposes of preserving, restoring, maintaining and interpreting the properties, artifacts and documents related to the battle so as to preserve an important part of the nation’s history.
